Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Our last class together...

Today marks the end of our time together and I want to thank all of my amazing ALC 9 students for the many things they taught me over the past 5 months... 

1. Students are very capable of taking their own risks (and experience safe failures) - and though it is scary at first, they come out relatively unscathed and with more knowledge about themselves and what they are able to do, on their own. 
2. I really like being a Facilitator, rather than just a Teacher. Taking a step back and becoming more of a Guide for my students has really made me rethink my pedagogy. How can I be more of a "Guide" in the other courses I teach?
3. You can do a lot of meaningful work in 5 months... You can also do very little. Thank you for showing me the scope of work production and providing me with some useful exemplars for my next batch of kids! 
4. Your interests, talents, skills, and abilities were overwhelmingly cool! I learned so much about what YOU are passionate about. And now that you know a little bit more about both your passions and yourselves, I am excited to see how you apply this to your life in the future. 
5. Lastly, but not the least important, I LOVE seeing my passion becoming a reality and I'm glad you were here with me on my journey. I Challenged myself over the past 10 months in planning, pitching, preparing and then finally implementing a course that I have dreamed about for a long time. I took my own risk and came out relatively unscathed, with a lot more knowledge about myself and my pedagogy. Thank you for being my guinea pigs :) 

I've compiled a video showcasing the hard work we did! I hope you enjoy it: 

For our last class, we wrote in our logbooks for the last time and focused on what amazing things were accomplished in our time together. I also had the students word on a 6 Word Memoir, focusing on what they took from the ALC course or what advice they would give to new students taking it. I am excited to put them up on my bulletin board for everyone to see! Here are some examples of what they came up with: 

Here are some pics from our Celebration of Challenge Success that took place today:

Thank you for reading! Check back in February for my next ALC 9 adventure! 

Until then... 

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

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