Thursday, 3 September 2015

Day One

As I expected, many kids came into the option without really knowing what it was. I was a little nervous about explaining it to them, especially since this is all new to me as well. It was clear that even by the end of explaining the course outline, I had engaged the kids and they were eager to learn more. 

I showed them the video of students in St. Joseph's School in Coaldale, AB and that seemed to really help them understand the concept. Having a visual representation was a great way to spark interest. 

I went through the following documents with the students during the 80 minute block: 
2. Log Book - students actually spent time creating a Google Doc Log Book that they will reflect in at the end of each class. They shared them with me. 
3. Timeline - They seem to like the idea of creating their own timeline to follow. 

For the last 10 minutes of class, we did a Bingo activity. While they were going around asking each other the Bingo questions, they were also talking about what projects they were thinking of doing. It was nice to hear them talking positively about the course already :) 

Up next, Instant Challenges....