Friday, 23 October 2015

Fabrication Day 2 and 3....

With the Fabrication Phase well underway, real work is starting to be seen. Some students are bringing in the needed supplies to complete their chosen challenge, while others are still researching and gathering ideas. Circulating around the room to see the various levels of progress is very interesting! 

One student is in the process of applying for a job shadowing day within Alberta Health Services to see a day in the life of a nurse. It is really cool to see the students working on tasks that are taking them a little outside of their comfort level... Filling out applications; drafting emails; making phone calls... Integral parts of any career are being explored by these students now, which will better prepare them in the future. 

A few students are doing more Art centered projects and are sharing some amazing work both on paper and on their devices. The programs the students are finding and using are really cool. Make-up and hair designs are taking shape; one and two story houses are coming to life; songs are being produced; themed cakes ideas are beginning to rise! 

I am loving the individuality of the projects, the excitement of the students, and the energy I feel from their enthusiasm and vision!