Monday, 2 November 2015

Fabrication Day 4 and 5....

We are one third of the way through the Fabrication Phase! I circulated around the room and spoke with the students about where they were in "fabricating" their challenge. Most students have a decent amount of work done, while a few are a bit worrisome as they still seem unsure about what their end product will be. I had a few conversations with one particular student, who ended up changing his mind two or three times about what subject he wanted to photograph. By the end of the class he seemed confident in the theme he chose. 

The engagement level of the students still seems quite high with most kids staying on task. A few students are starting to work outside of the classroom - some in the Vis Com Room - as the tools they need to complete their challenge are located there. I have a couple of students working on baking challenges, so they will be doing some baking at home and bringing it in (yummy!) to document its success. There seem to be many students completing more artsy challenges, including a really cool portfolio of make-up design that includes a horror theme with a safety pin through someone's cheek. Some crazy cool stuff happening here!! 

I have officially booked the space for our Challenge Trade Fair which takes place on Monday, January 25th in our school library. We are inviting other classes to come view the projects during blocks 6 and 7 and will have it open after school from 3:30-4:00pm for parents to swing by! We will create promotional items to put up around the school in January. 

Still having fun in ALC :) 

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