Thursday 15 October 2015

Fabrication DAY ONE!!!

Well it is finally here... Phase 4: Fabrication! The ideas have been sorted, plans have been made, timelines have been considered and budgets have been approved... Let the construction begin! 

Students are excited to finally be working on completing their challenges. A few have decided to change their original plans as they encountered issues with budgets and/or supplies (which had to be approved by their parents) or due to lack of enough information to complete. I had anticipated this would happen so I am closely monitoring these students to ensure they are back on track as soon as possible. 

Some students are working on drafting emails to organizations for things such as job shadowing, while others are working on using various computer programs to complete steps of their challenges. I have a few students who are already out and about sketching and taking photographs to add to the portfolios they have decided to create. I love seeing the students so into their projects!! 

When the bell went after period 6, some of the kids were amazed at how quickly it went by. I am stopping them each class at 2:15 to further add to their timelines (what they did today, what they will do next class) and to reflect on the fabrication process in their logbooks. Because of this, we chatted quickly about how on task they need to be during each class. At the end of block 7 today, they only have 14 classes left!! Time flies when you're having fun :) 

Up next... Fabrication Day Two!!